Glider and Towplane Fleet
SOSA has the largest and most modern glider training fleet in Canada, with 10 gliders of varying types, enabling you to progress from your first lesson through to high-performance solo cross-country soaring and competition flying.
Basic Training
The backbone of every club is a reliable fleet of training aircraft. With three Alexander Schleicher ASK-21s, SOSA is well-equipped to train large numbers of beginner students. With its docile flight characteristics and easy handling, the ASK-21 is a true favourite among students and instructors.
Schleicher ASK-21
Registration: C-GXPY Common Name: "Papa Yankee" Wingspan: 17m Max Glide Ratio: 34:1 Primary Use: Basic glider training |
Schleicher ASK-21b
Registration: C-GDXX Common name: "X-ray X-ray" Wingspan: 17m Max Glide Ratio: 34:1 Primary Use: Basic glider training |
Schleicher ASK-21b
Registration: C-GDYJ Common Name: "Yankee Juliet" Wingspan: 17m Max Glide Ratio: 34:1 Primary Use: Basic glider training |
Advanced Training and Aerobatics
SOSA provides a number of comprehensive advanced training programs designed to take you well beyond license standard and a full fleet of advanced 2-seat gliders to make it happen.
Duo Discus XL
Registration: C-FRNV Common Name: "The Duo" Wingspan: 20m Max Glide Ratio: 46:1 Primary Use: Advanced cross-country training |
Coming Soon!
DG-1001 Club Neo Wingspan: 18m (20m with tips) Max Glide Ratio: 40:1 (46:1) Primary Use: Advanced cross-country training and aerobatics |
Single Seat Gliders
The single-seat SZD 51-1 is designed for newer glider pilots and is recognized around the world as solid, safe and nice to fly. This is the plane for your first solo cross-country milestone, the Bronze Badge.
PZL Junior SZD 51-1
Registration: C-GZCA Common Name: "ZCA" Wingspan: 15m Max Glide Ratio: 35:1 Primary Use: Initial cross country flying |
PZL Junior SZD 51-1
Registration: C-GPNN Common Name: "PNN" Wingspan: 15m Max Glide Ratio: 35:1 Primary Use: Initial cross country flying |
PZL Junior SZD 51-1
Registration: C-FSXN Common Name: "SXN" Wingspan: 15m Max Glide Ratio: 35:1 Primary Use: Initial cross country flying |
Advanced Single Seat Gliders
SOSA's Discus 2b's are available to all qualified members for cross country soaring and competitions.
Schempp-Hirth Discus 2b
Registration: C-FCDD Contest ID: "Delta Delta" Wingspan: 15m Max Glide Ratio: 45:1 Primary Use: Cross country and competition flying |
Schempp-Hirth Discus 2b
Registration: C-GYOH Contest ID: "Bravo Papa" Wingspan: 15m Max Glide Ratio: 45:1 Primary Use: Cross country and competition flying |
Our primary method for launching gliders throughout the soaring season is aerotowing behind two powerful Piper Pawnees and a Bellanca Citabria; the latter also serves as our tow pilot training aircraft.
Piper Pawnee PA-25-260
Registration: C-GBWY Horsepower: 260 Commonly name: "Bee Wee" Primary Use: Towing |
Piper Pawnee PA-25-235
Registration: C-GXWI Horsepower: 250 Common name: "Whiskey India" Primary Use: Towing |
Bellanca Citabria 7GCBC
Registration: C-GKXJ Horsepower: 180 Common Name: "X-Ray Juliet" Primary Use: Towing and tow pilot training |
Winch Launch
Our winch, powered by a 350-horsepower Chevrolet Corvette engine, is used regularly throughout the season for cost-effective student and pilot training and is our primary launch method during the winter.