Mercifully, this is the last contest day. It hasn't been easy being me. Shown above is the official Contest T Shirt on sale here. In order to pacify the animal rights activists and Anti-federalists-Quebec Nationalists (it's actually the same guy) I advertised for another room mate with more primate skills than raccoons and groundhogs, and the applicant appears in the second picture. Master Wilson made a tidy profit selling my massages, and began to rent me out to some crewless contest pilots. Local member Martin Lacasse knows the area well enough that he plans each day to land out, if required, at one of the nearby small airports, and finds an aerotow much easier all round. I told him that I was SOSA Towpilot of the Year one-and-one-half times, and so he gave me a check ride in their Citabria, and insisted upon some full spins. Now, I have never met anyone who admits to having spun a Citabria, but let me tell you, having low blood sugar from not eating properly for two weeks, having sunstroke, and loss of blood from mosquito bites, well, I don't think that I want to do that again anytime soon. Anyway, Master Wilson made me be his designated driver tonight, and I am pictured above near, but not at, the final banquet. Tomorrow I will try to sum up what WAS to be a pleasant vacation. Gosh, do I ever look forward to being back at work. Doug Scott W2 Crew |