In North America the Powerflarm is a hybrid unit that uses the flarm technology to warn of glider to glider proximity and also has a PCAS function that will sense and provide in-cockpit warnings of Transponder equipped and ADS-B equipped aircraft in the vicinity of the glider. The units will also have an IGC approved flight recorder that will allow them to be used for all FAI badge legs (ie 5 hr, 50 km, 1000 m height gain, 300 km and 500 km).
For SOSA, this was not a small purchase, the cost to equip the fleet was around $25,000. The board is asking members to make a donation to help offset this cost. All donations are elligible for a tax receipt as a charitable donation. Please ask one of the Directors how you can make your donation.
It is planned to install the units in the gliders during the winter months so they are ready for use at the beginning of next season. Martin Brassard will be leading the project and anyone interested in helping is asked to contact Martin.