There will be a Bronze Badge Clinic the weekend of October 5-6, 2013. The Bronze Badge is a club requirement for cross-country flying. If you are a licensed pilot or student almost ready for a flight test you should consider signing up.
The clinic will have ground school, flying exercises and de-rigging and trailering exercises. Due to logistics, the flying portion will be limited to the 10 pilots. Everyone is invited to the ground school. We will be running the clinic rain or shine.
Bronze Badge Requirements:
- Glider Pilot License
- Pilot in command (P1) with time of 10 hours
- Two soaring flights of 2 hours
- Three consecutive, defined spot landings*
- Training beyond license
- Off field landing exercises, circuit planning
- Map reading
- Rigging/derigging and trailering
- Cross country procedures and club check out
- Use of radio – radio license
- Basics of advanced instrumentation (speed to fly, TE compensation, final glide calculator)
- Canadian airspace structure and restrictions – collision avoidance
* The three consecutive landings are to be performed on a space marked on the runway of 50m wide by 150m long. The glider is to cross the threshold at a height of 1 m minimum (to simulate a fence) and stop before the end of the 150m mark.
If you are interested please contact Martin B.