Congratulations to Sergio who was able to climb to over 7000 ft today and achieve a maximum height gain of 1423 meters giving him the Height Gain portion of his FAI Silver Badge. The picture shows the highs and lows of his flight via the altitude display of the IGC file download from ZCA's Flarm flight recorder.
New for the 2016 season, both of the LS4's have new S80 varios as the primary vario and flight computer system. The S80 connects to the flarm and takes GPS signal directly from the flarm unit. For output, it will connect via bluetooth to any enabled Nav device, such as an Oudie or an Android phone running XC Soar or one of the other open source glinding apps. A Ram x-grip mount has been installed in each glider so that phones may safely be mounted in the cockpit. Included with the X-grip is a Texel security tether to better secure your phone in the mount. Please watch the video below to learn how to use the tether. The S80 has very similar functionality to the LX5000 that it replaces. When you look at the menu structure, you will see the same WPT and TSK pages representing Waypoint and Task pages. These pages allow you to select the point to which navigation is shown on the moving map. The S80 will also show airspace on the moving map and provide audible warnings when approaching airspace. With the Flarm connected as the GPS source for the system, there is also a FLM or Flarm page that shows the Flarm Radar of nearby traffic. This traffic is also shown on any of the map pages and the Butterfly display that was previously installed in the glider. The picture below shows the layout of the various pages available in the S80 and the order in which they appear. Note that the WPT and TSK pages have secondary pages with numerical information. Another helpful feature is the thermal mode that shows the strongest and weakest sides of the thermal as you circle. This page should come up automatically when you start thermalling. To learn about this feature and everything else the S80 can do: Read the Quick Reference Guide and the Full Manual These documents should be reviewed before your first flight with the new computer - it is dangerous to try and learn the system while flying! Another short overview can be seen in this video. It would be beneficial to read through these before getting in the glider and trying to learn the new computer in flight. You can also watch this video for a short overview of the S80. Bluetooth Pairing Instructions Pairing the S80 Bluetooth Module with an Android Device
Connecting to XC Soar via Bluetooth
Connecting S7 Bluetooth to Oudie
![]() During daily inspections of the Puchacz - do you normally look at the wheel hub?
Did you know that the clip shown above holds the brake adjustment nut in place? Are you going to check it closely during your next DI? A program to develop young cross-country and competition pilots in Canada.
The largest hurdle to getting youth into cross-country and contest flying is access to a glider. In partnership with Youth Flight Canada Education fund, a Standard Jantar will be available at SOSA for qualified Youth to fly cross country and in competition. To implement this program at low-cost to youth, donations are being solicited to help fund the program. In particular, the annual insurance premium will be the largest expense incurred by the program. Donations can be made by credit card online through at: But they take a 3.9% administrative fee, so for the best use of your donation cheque or cash are better. Please contact Dave or one of the Directors for mailing address for sending cheques. The Youth Flight Canada website is here: For All donations please specify that the donation is to be directed to the SOSA YOUTH PROGRAM so the donation flows back to SOSA. If you would like more information about the program or making a donation, please contact Dave S. Thank you for your support of this program to help give youth a pathway into cross-country and competitive soaring. |
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