The morning will feature common sessions and the afternoon sessions will be divided into Advanced and Novice Categories.
Advanced sessions are intended for pilots who have completed their silver badge and are working on Gold and Diamond (300 km and 500 km) flights or contest flying.
Novice sessions are intended for pilots who are working towards their Silver badge (50 km) flights.
The cost for the day is $80 and includes lunch and admission to the museum. RSVP's are required by Monday 18 March to dave "at" foxonecorp "dot" com so that we can pre-order enough lunch for everyone.
1000 - Soaring Weather Forecasting - Joerg Stieber
1100 - Airspace - Dave Springford
1200 - Lunch
1300 - MaCready Theory and Speed to fly - Willem Langelaan
1400 - Transitioning to Advanced Cross‐country and Contest Flying - Jerzy Szemplinski
1500 - Flarm and other Technology - Luke Szczepaniak
1600 - WGC 2012 Uvalde - Dave & Jerzy
1300 - Getting Started with Cross‐country - Dave Springford
1330 - Landing out ‐ Its going to happen! - Dave Springford
1430 - Thermalling and Cross‐country Basics - John Brennan