The clinic will commence at 09:00 with ground school, followed by a weather briefing, in the Club House. Assuming good flying weather, plan on spending the entire day at the field. A registration fee is required to cover expenses. Any surplus will be donated to the Youth Team.
Who will benefit from this clinic? Ideally, members who have completed a minimum of two (2) two hour solo flights and/or their 50 km. Silver Distance. Members with less experience will be accepted but it is likely that your Instructor will actually do much of the flying. Members who are working on their Gold badge (300 km) and/or planning to enter the competition arena, will benefit greatly, from the clinic.
The following allocation of gliders will apply:
- Members who have completed their Silver Distance will have top priority.
- Members who have completed all requirements for the Bronze Badge will have next priority.
- Members who are still working on their Bronze Badge will fly if instructors and gliders are available.
- All members may attend the morning ground school no matter what their flying status.
The Puchacz will be assigned to basic thermalling training and will not engage in serious cross country tasks – no trailer.
The ASK 21 gliders, and Duo Discus will be used for cross country tasks. Depending on demand and member qualifications, a Junior and an LS 4 will be allocated for solo flights.
If Private owners wish to participate, they are most welcome.
Note that you must be registered to participate in the clinic – instructor resources are limited and instructors are sacrificing personal soaring and career time to help you become a more skilled soaring pilot.
Please contact John Brennan offline for further information.