SOSA LS4 allocation procedure for both weekdays and weekends:
LS4s are allocated at 9:00 am when a decision will be made among the pilots present based on the 4 priorities below. Pilots arriving after 9:00 am will be excluded from flying an LS4 if there are more pilots than aircraft available. Pilots arriving earlier than 9:00 AM do not have higher priority. LS4s are allocated to pilots based on the following priorities:
1) Cross country badge leg attempts are first priority (must have task planned, declaration form completed, and OO arranged ahead of time).
2) Non-badge cross country tasks are second priority (must have task planned). If there are more pilots for cross country tasks than aircraft, they are assigned to the pilots in order of most days lapsed since flying an LS4 cross country. If no pilot present has taken an LS4 cross country in the past 4 weeks, it will be decided among the pilots by a random method such as a coin toss or lot draw.
3) Local flights are third priority, and limited to 3 hours, which can be extended if there are no pilots waiting for the glider. If there are more pilots for local flights than remaining aircraft, it goes to the pilot with the most days lapsed since flying a single seater.
4) If there are still LS4s available after 9:30 am, they are assigned to the pilot(s) who completes the DI. Local flights are still limited to 3 hours, which can be extended if there are no pilots waiting for the glider.
If a pilot allocated an LS4 plans to launch late morning or early afternoon, he or she will accommodate requests from other pilots for short-duration flights that will not interfere with his or her planned launch time.