As everyone has noticed 2018 has started late with our wet field conditions. As of May 31st we have logged 3473 km in 26 flights by 18 members. The good news is that we are double the distance (1740 km) for last year at this time. However, we are well below average as shown on the graph below.
Why record your flight? Logging our flights is a good way to demonstrate how active we are as a club. You do not need to have the best flight of the day. OLC counts every flight over 50km, so even if you are just going to Brantford and back, you can add to our club total.
Our average flights might not be as long as those by Canadian Rockies pilots, but with lots of SOSA pilots contributing, we can make a big total by the end of the season. Remember 2016, we had 51 members record 115,000 km on OLC? That gave us the biggest total in the country. Well, May 2018 finds us in 11th place among Canadian clubs, so the season has started faster out west and in Quebec. Let’s hope the weather cooperates as we look forward to another great year of cross-country flying.
To record your flight just go to OLC and tap on the Claim Flight tab:
Select the file and upload. You can use XCSoar to record your flight on your smart phone or copy the file from the flarm in the glider. If it is your first time, you will need to register as a pilot (name and birth date) on OLC. Then join in the club challenge of seeing how far we can go in a season. Have fun! Fly safe!